! This shop is exclusively for B2B customers!

Costs for shipping and handling (transport, packaging, insurance)

When you order in this online shop, the cost for handling and shipping varies with the shipping method you choose.
If additional shipping fees are charged for individual items, the fees will be listed next to the relevant item in our catalogue. Such fees will be added to the total shipping cost of your order. This summary does not contain any information concerning additional fees or surcharges for shipping depending on the items in your shopping cart. These fees vary with the items and they are listed seprately with the relevant items.

After you have chosen the method of shipment for your order, the incurred shipping costs are calculated online during the entire ordering proccess on the basis of the content of your shopping cart. Just prior to sending your order, you will be shown the total shipping costs alongside all of the other relevant data concerning your order.

The following shipping methods are available in our online shop:

Shipping method
Cost *
Particular conditions
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 999,99 € 50,00 €
from 1.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Germany
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 140,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Austria
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 1.999,99 € 99,00 €
from 2.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Belgium
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 160,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Bulgaria
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 115,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Czech Republic
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 150,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Denmark
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 125,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Estonia
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 3.499,99 € 175,00 €
from 3.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Spain
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 4.999,99 € 350,00 €
from 5.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Finland
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 160,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: France
The shipping company will be c
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 3.499,99 € 195,00 €
from 3.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
Das Versandunternehmen wird je nach gewicht und größe der Bestellung ausgewählt. | Wenn die Bestellung auf eine Insel geliefert werden soll, wird nach Abschluss der Bestellung eine zusätzliche Versandgebühr berechnet.
shipping only to: Greece
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 5.499,99 € 400,00 €
from 5.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Croatia
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 125,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Hungary
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 3.499,99 € 170,00 €
from 3.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Italy
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 125,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Lithuania
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 110,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Luxembourg
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 125,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Latvia
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 1.999,99 € 100,00 €
from 2.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Netherlands
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 125,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Poland
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 145,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Portugal
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 3.999,99 € 240,00 €
from 4.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Romania
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 3.499,99 € 190,00 €
from 3.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Sweden
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.499,99 € 120,00 €
from 2.500,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Slovenia
Order value Shipping costs
0,00 € - 2.999,99 € 140,00 €
from 3.000,00 € 0,00 €
(all information excl. VAT and, if applicable, plus an item-dependent surcharge)
The shipping company will be chosen based on the weight and size of the order. | If the order is to be delivered to an island, an additional shipping fee will be charged after the order is completed.
shipping only to: Slovakia

* Shipping costs is stated excluding VAT. Depending on the content of your shopping cart, an additional shipping fee can be charged. This addtional fee is listed with the item to which it applies.